Showing posts with label golem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label golem. Show all posts

Friday, 24 February 2017

Make Golem Great Again !

       Hey what is up guys it's DEMOLITION here and TODAY , in the #10 blog ever , we are going to see a new deck here.Before that I would like to share with you that according to the Blogger my blogs have lot of images and very low text content.It's a gaming blog, how would it have no images! so due to this guys our blogs from now on wards will contain a lot of text and a few pictures.
       So without any further  ado we will start with our new deck.It is a golem lightning deck.It is similar to the lava lightning deck but I consider it much more deadly in double elixir time.

It is a classic golem deck which a lot of global players have used during big tournaments and other battles but the best part about this deck is that it still works.You may say that by emergence of the new cards like Elite barbs,Executioner etc it may not work but believe me it does ! recently I was a part of a college level clash royale tournament held and I reached the semi finals of it and beleive me I have seen a lot of golems and hounds there used effectively.
 So we will go in detail of each and every card its use,its strength and its weakness.Every card will be discussed to its detail.

1) Golem

  • Golem is a slow and a massive tank with health equivalent to nearly a crown tower and it also takes 3 sec to get deployed.It may seem a small thing but Its a great deal for this kind of a slow massive build up deck.
  • Recently the P E K K A got a buff of decreament in it's deploy time from 3 sec to 1 sec.I do not consider it a buff technically as it is a Nerf to big and slow decks.
  • Your elixir fills with a rate of 2.8 sec per elixir and 1.4 sec per elixir in  double elixir time.So as your golem takes 3 sec to get deployed you will ave an extra elixir to support the push till the golem starts moving.
  • As it is a tank you naturally have to play it at behind the king tower to get advantage of its slow speed to support the push.
  • Till the time your golem reaches the bridge you will have a bar full of elixir to support your golem push.
  • Cycle your cards such that you will always have the Lightning spell ready with you while you have your golem on the ground. It will definitely help you.

2) Lightning

  • The lightning is your best support spell of the deck.Since it has got the stun buff to it it has become the favourate of most of the top players.
  • As you are playing a golem deck it is most likely that your opponent will place an inferno tower for the defence as it is the best defensive card of the game right will rarely See bomb tower at the higher arenas.
  • As it provides you with the total of 3 bolts make sure that you make the use of all the three bots to damage the crown tower and tand take out two troops.
  • You should mainly use this when your opponent places an inferno tower and it is locked on to your golem and it starts heating . It is the perfect time to use the lightning.
  • You can also use it defensively in conditions when elite barbs are charging at you and you have no other defence.

3) Elixir collector

  • It is the most important factor of your deck as it helps you build your push.Remember the deck which you are using is very heavy and you will need a lot of elixir to support your golem so you must carry a elixir collector.
  • It is also important that when you are going to place a pump. You can either go aggressive pump placing it as our first move or you can wait for your opponent to play his move , counter it and the you can play your pump . this is called as passive pumping.
  • You can pump either way depending on the turn of events in the battle.But remember pump only when you have a bar full of elixir or else ou wont have any elixir to defend your opponent's push.

4) The log

  • The log is going to be your secondary spell to get rid of the princess, skeleton army , skeletons , barrel etc.
  • you are going to see alot of skeleton army and the princess in the upper arenas so you must keep the log.  
5) Mega minion and The Musketeer

  • These are your basic support cards behind your tank that is golem. These two cards have the ability to target both the air and the ground troops. They can take out enemy's counter pretty easily.
  • first you have to play yous muskeeter and the you should play your mega minion as your muskeeter has slightly more health than your mega minion.
  • these can also be used as defensive cards before and then the golem can be played afterwards at the bridge to tank for these.
  • These are your high damage dealing cards behind your tank golem.
  • mega minion can take out a horde pretty well and a muskeeter can take out a hog and inferno tower also.

6) Archers

  • you can use archers as a cycle card or can support your golem by these as they attcack both the air and ground units.
  • they can take out a skeleton army by their own for a positive elixir trade and your opponent has  to counter them.
  • They also can take out minions and minion horde and now also the goblin gang.
  • This is one strong support card !

7) Tombstone

  • Tombstone will serve as a defensive building in your deck helping to counter the Hog,Royal giant ,giant , bowler and etc.
  • It is cheap and can be used instsntaneously as your opponent plays the hog rider.
  • It will also trickle down the skeletons which will help your golem push distracting the inferno tower and the inferno tower.
  • It will also counter your enemy's counter push.  
So this is it for today guys.Hope it was useful.Show your support by following to muy blog and share this to every one.
Thank you guys ! keep clashing !